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Player Agreement 

Pending the receipt of this signed agreement and payment, he shall be considered committed to our program for the upcoming season.


Mission Statement & Program Cornerstones

Mack Attack Prep works with post-secondary student-athletes. Collaborating with several partners within the Southern California community, our mission is to prepare and assist our players in the advancement of their basketball careers. This mission shall be accomplished through emphasis in the following program cornerstones:


I. PLAYER DEVELOPMENT: 2-5 hours of training per day, 5-6 days/week.

(Schedule may vary based on game schedule and other factors)


II. EXPOSURE: More than 8 games per month!

Videographer to supply highlight videos.


III. EXPERIENCE (Explore Souther California )


NCAA Eligibility

You do NOT lose NCAA eligibility by participation at Mack Attack Prep. We are NOT a college. Therefore, barring very unusual circumstances, you will leave Mack Attack Prep fully eligible for participation at all college levels, including NCAA Division I, for 4 years (or 5 years including a red-shirt year, if applicable).


Housing & Food

Per our agreement you will be staying in Mack Attack Prep housing, in Orange County,

California. Food will be provided through grocery shopping done by the coaching staff and paid for by the program. Additional funds may be needed to supplement food provided by the program and for eating out (for example, on road trips).



The cost and arrangement of transportation to and from your permanent address (for example,

your flight to/from your home country and Mack Attack Prep) shall be your responsibility. For long distance road trips to games, tournaments, showcases, etc., transportation will be provided by Mack Attack Prep. Daily transportation to/from school/practice is provided by Mack Attack Prep.


Gym Access

Our primary facility is Mile Square Park Basketball gym in Fountain Valley, CA. Additionally, we utilize 24 Hour Fitness for weight training and skills training. Every player will have a membership to 24 hour fitness giving them the ability to go to the basketball gym and weight room anytime they want.


Health Insurance

Mack Attack Prep carries insurance for all participants, which covers immediate emergency medical treatment and transportation resulting from activity occurring at athletic facilities (including all gymnasiums used for training and competitions). Additional insurance coverage (for minor procedures and other non-emergencies) is not required, but it is recommended.


Daily Schedule

This represents a typical week in our program.

(Please note the following: Schedule is subject to change based on our game schedule and other factors…we do play games from time to time during the week.)


ï‚·With 24 hour fitness membership, additional work can be done any time beyond the

schedule listed below:


Monday - Friday:

7:30am - 9:30am Weight lifting and Skill work

9:30am - 2:00pm Break

2:00pm – 4:00pm Team Practice


Saturday and Sunday: Schedule varies depending on game/tournament schedule.

On weekends, we engage in a variety of activities, including beach workouts, sand dune workouts, and other team activities such as bowling, exploring museums, NCAA basketball games and more.



Payment Agreement – Monthly Payment Option (with Accommodation):

Description Amount Due Date

Initial Payment $5,000* As soon as possible

Monthly Payment $1,875 September 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 October 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 November 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 December 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 January 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 February 15


* Note: To protect our program, and due to limited space in our player housing, only $500 of this initial

payment & student visa is refundable if you choose not to attend our program. We keep $4,500 for a breach of agreement fee.

The only circumstance under which we will provide a refund is if your visa application is denied by the embassy, preventing you from attending our program. In such a case, you must provide official documentation of the visa denial.

To reiterate, the non-refundable portion of this payment is $4,500.  Refunds will not be provided.


Payment Agreement – Monthly Payment Option (NO Accommodation):

Description Amount Due Date

Initial Payment $1,000* As soon as possible

Monthly Payment $500 September 15

Monthly Payment $500 October 15

Monthly Payment $500 November 15

Monthly Payment $500 December 15

Monthly Payment $500 January 15

Monthly Payment $500 February 15


Note: To protect our program, only $500 of this initial payment is refundable if you choose not to attend our program. We keep $500 for a breach of agreement fee. To reiterate, the non-refundable portion of this payment is $500. Additionally, other than the $500, it is important to note that if you resign from the program, Refunds will not be provided.



Payment Agreement – Monthly Payment Option (with Accommodation and student visa):

Description Amount Due Date

Initial Payment  $5,000 + Student Visa $6,000* (Due as soon as possible)

Monthly Payment $1,875 September 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 October 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 November 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 December 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 January 15

Monthly Payment $1,875 February 15


* Note: To protect our program, and due to limited space in our player housing, only $1,000 of this initial

payment & student visa is refundable if you choose not to attend our program. We keep $10,000 for a breach of agreement fee.

The only circumstance under which we will provide a refund is if your visa application is denied by the embassy, preventing you from attending our program. In such a case, you must provide official documentation of the visa denial.

To reiterate, the non-refundable portion of this payment is $10,000.  Refunds will not be provided.


Late payments

Payments are required to be made by the 15th of each month. Should there be any delay:

  • Beyond 7 days, you will incur a penalty resulting in your inability to participate in basketball games. However, you will still be permitted to attend practices.

  • Exceeding 10 days, you will face further consequences, unable to participate in both games and practices.

  • If payments remain outstanding after 21 days, we will be compelled to request your departure from the program.


Payment Options: 



Zelle: 310-505-3213


Bank transfer information: 

Business name - Mack Attack Prep LLC

(Contact Mack Attack Staff for bank information)


Early Departure & Release and Waiver of Liability

You are free to leave this program at any time; however, we require 30-day written notice if you plan to leave early (text message and/or email are acceptable forms of written notice). With proper notice, you will not be responsible for further payments. However, if you leave the program without proper 30-day notice you will be financially obligated for up to 30 days after your departure date. Program director Davieon Mack has the authority to remove a player from our program at any time if the player is deemed to be detrimental to other players or the program in general (more information found under heading “Refund Calculations and Considerations”). This determination is completely at the discretion of Mr Davieon Mack.


By signing this contract, you are stating the following: I understand that this Release and Waiver of Liability governs all rights and liabilities relating to the receipt of SERVICES and TRAINING, terms defined below, by me from Mack Attack Training, LLC (Mack Attack Prep) and/or its agents and RELATED PARTIES.


Definitions: “Services” shall mean any and all manner of goods and interactions offered by Mack Attack Prep, LLC or any agent thereof. These services include, but are not limited to, training, treatment, consulting, evaluations, rehabilitation, reconditioning, performance planning, performance training (including strength & conditioning, speed & quickness training, plyometric training, and the like), recovery and regeneration training, sports nutrition consultation, supplement and nutrition provision, any consultation related to basketball and basketball related recruitment, injury reduction and treatment, technical and tactical instruction, performance enhancement, game and scrimmage participation, and the like. “Training” shall mean any act, omission, or other activity required of you or carried out by you in relation to the Services. “Released Parties” shall mean all Mack Attack Training, LLC staff, employees, agents, volunteers, and all related entities, along with any other sponsoring organizations, contractors, affiliates, parent corporations, affiliated corporations, and subsidiary corporations. 


Terms and Provisions: The risk of injury from participation in sporting events and other strenuous physical activity, including Training, is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis, other serious injury, and/or death. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS of participation in Training, including, without limitation, risk arising from or relating in any way to the condition of the facilities, courts, equipment, fields, and surrounding premises, the actions of persons other than myself, my own actions, and travel to and from the Training. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE RELEASED PARTIES MAKE NO WARRANTIES and shall in no event be responsible or liable for the defective or dangerous condition of the facilities, equipment, fields, and surrounding premises, except to the extent such condition(s) result(s) solely from the gross negligence or intentional acts of a Released Party. I AGREE THAT THE RELEASED PARTIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, or causes of action that arise in whole or in part due to the simple negligence of the Released Parties, or any of them. FURTHERMORE, I FOREVER RELEASE AND DISCHARGE, AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS, the Released Parties from and in relation to all claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, or causes of action that arise from or relate in any way to my participation in the Training, other than such claims, demands, etc. that arise solely from the gross negligence or intentional acts of a Released Party I FURTHER WARRANT AND CERTIFY that I have no health conditions or defects that would prevent me from participating safely in the Training, that I have taken every reasonable act necessary to make this warranty and certification in relation to such participation, and that I am otherwise sufficiently fit and healthy to so participate. I WARRANT AND UNDERSTAND that it is my sole and personal responsibility to obtain insurance to compensate for any and all injuries which might arise from my participation in the Training, and furthermore agree to look solely to such insurance to cover losses resulting from any injuries, regardless of fault, and waive all rights of subrogation on behalf of any and all Released Parties which may now or ever exist as a result of such insurance. IN ANY EVENT, THE LIABILITY OF A RELEASED PARTY TO ME FOR ANY REASON AND UPON ANY CAUSE OF ACTION SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY ME TO MACK ATTACK TRAINING, LLC DURING THE TWELVE MONTHS IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING MY ASSERTION OF SUCH CLAIM. THIS LIMITATION APPLIES TO ALL CAUSES OF ACTION IN THE AGGREGATE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION TO EQUITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, MISREPRESENTATIONS, AND OTHER TORTS. If any paragraph, subparagraph, sentence or clause of this Agreement shall be adjudged illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under California law. I understand that by signing below, I am attesting to the fact that I have read this Agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily. I acknowledge that I have undertaken full consideration in relation to my execution of this Agreement, which I understand to be a prerequisite to my receipt of Services. Finally, I understand that this Agreement shall be of full force and effect for any and all Services I receive from the Released Parties, without regard to the date or timing of such service. 


Release of Information: I agree to allow Mack Attack Prep, LLC and related parties of Mack Attack Prep, LLC to release academic and athletic information to other sources in regards to my child or myself. I give Mack Attack Prep permission to publish the likeness of my child or myself and supply information about my child or myself on their website and social media. 


*Agreement To Not DAMAGE: I agree to follow the rules as determined by Mack Attack Prep, LLC in regards to personal behavior including refraining from the use of alcohol, drugs (including cannabis/marijuana) or tobacco while on the premises of housing or lodging provided by Mack Attack Prep or representing Mack Attack Prep. I understand that any damages/theft (suspicion of theft) caused/done by myself to Mack Attack Prep property or properties being used by Mack Attack Prep will result in me having to pay the full cost of replacement or repair. Non-physical DAMAGE: I understand that besmirching the Mack Attack Prep program and/or its employees, associates, partners, directors, coaches, etc in a public forum or to other parties in which Mack Attack Prep has a financial interest, constitutes damage. Likewise, negatively affecting the experience of other paying customers constitutes damage. The value of non-physical damage shall be calculated by Mr Davieon Mack, but shall not exceed $3,000.


By filling out this form, I attest that I am the named athlete and I am 18 years of age or older. By signing this document, I agree to all terms set forth.

Note: A parent/guardian signature is required if the named athlete is under 18 years of age at the time of signing.

Thanks for submitting!

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